Chapter 1
    1. Introduction
    2. Corrosion and Corrosion Control
    3. Coating
    4. Coating and the Inspector
    5. Coating Specification
    6. Team Work and Subarctic Survival Exercise
    7. Question and Answer
    Chapter 2
    1. Environment Test Instrument
    2. Inspection Procedure
    3. Practice Piece Specification
    4. Documentation
    5. Pre-Job Conference
    6. Surface Preparation
    7. Case Study
    8. Environment Instrumnets Practice Lab
    9. Surface Preparation
    Chapter 3
    1. Coating Application bY Brush, Roller and Mitt
    2. Coating Application by Conventional Spray
    3. Coating Application by Airless Spray
    4. Non Destructive Test Instruments
    5. Instruments Practise Lab
    Chapter 4
    1. Field Practise Lab
    2. Case Study 1-B
    Chapter 5
    1. Surface Preparation
    2. Material Safety data Sheet & Technical Sheet
    3. Case Study 1-C
    4. Panel Inspection
    5. Coating Technology
    Chapter 6
    1. Case Study 1-D